Getting Master level in a Specialist Exam, CDMP

Data Management

I just scored over 80 with cdmp specialist exam, “Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence”.

Not familiar with cdmp? It stands for Certified Data Management Professional. Check HP.

Compare to a fundamental exam, it was relatively fun to prepare. I have already read DMBOK very well for a fundamental exam, so I knew the basic. It was really fun to go deep into this DW&BI topic, maybe because I do work with DW and BI and I enjoy it.

You don’t need to buy any additional materials. Just read DMBOK2 well and google some key words to learn further. There’s enough public info out there. DMBOK2 covers wide topics, so it can not contain everything. If there’s a word you can not explain to others, google it.

There’s some questions not directly mentioned in DMBOK2, but if you understand DMBOK contents well, those are not new.

Cdmp exams are not expensive, so if you get more than 70 or 80 on a fundamental exam, go for specialist exams! There’s nothing to be afraid of, as far as “Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence” is concerned. 

Good luck!